December 15, 2014

Share Your Holiday Memories

The Holidays

December is one of our busiest months at the Edmonton Convention Centre. We serve over 25,000 guests and host between 60 to 70 diverse holiday parties. We cook, bake, prepare, pour, serve, clean and decorate every single day during the holiday season. Our building is bustling with people; it is full of holiday spirit.

The Memories

This year, we asked staff from all departments what their favourite holiday memory from SCC was.

Is it the smell of pastries wafting out of the kitchen? Or, the twinkle of lights from the grand tree in our Hall D? We wanted to know from our front line workers, what their best memories were from over the years. The responses we got were heartwarming, funny and sentimental, each one reminding us that even though this is a chaotic season we have to stop and appreciate the great moments we enjoy with one another. We wanted to share some of the best with you:

“My favourite time of year is when the SCC employees are out of their everyday uniforms, dressed up so beautifully at the staff Christmas party. Sometimes it’s hard to recognize them!”

“Our Registration Coordinator bringing Baileys in for our coffee a few days before Christmas, easing the stress and tension felt within our office.”

– Manfred K.

“My team decorating our departmental Christmas tree with candy, lights and décor. We even played Christmas music and took some time to enjoy each other’s company and laughter. It makes me look forward to even more holidays here at SCC.”

– Lisa B.

“An overwhelming sense of relief when we get through the holiday season, and through the bulk of the parties. The business is done and the world becomes a different place. Here at SCC, we ensure everyone else has their Christmas first. Until that is taken care of Christmas does not begin for us. It is a very peaceful feeling driving home the Saturday before Christmas knowing all of our clients are satisfied and happy; now our Christmas can begin.”

– Cliff H.

“A few years ago I attended a staff Christmas party and bought several raffle tickets. I had to leave early to get home to the kids and gave my tickets away to a co-worker saying “Good luck! They’re yours!” I happened to go into work the following weekend to pick up some things from my office and I received an email from that co-worker saying “Your TV is waiting for you in the office” I couldn’t believe the generosity, kindness, and honesty of the people I work with. That made my Christmas.”

“The smiles on the faces of guests reuniting for a night together in one of our halls. It reminds me what the holidays are all about, sharing joy and cheer. I try my best to do this while serving warm Christmas meals to each and every one of them.”

“Putting on white hats and aprons atop our fancy party clothing and joining my colleagues to carve the turkey at the staff party!”

– Lisanne L.

“This place is so special during the holidays. Everyone is dressed in their best and enjoying themselves. It’s almost like the magic of the season touches everyone who walks in the door. This is a place to meet, reunite, gather, and enjoy and everyone can feel it.”

– Alexandra H.

Share Yours!

The chaos of the season can sweep us off of our feet. Take a moment to reflect and enjoy this Christmas. Over the years we hope you have gotten to experience a taste of the holidays from Edmonton Convention Centre. Whether it was from the Festival of Trees or a work Christmas party, what are you favourite memories here?

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