November 20, 2018

Grey Cup Festival: Feeding the Football Fans

What does it take to satisfy thousands of passionate, and hungry, football fans?!

Serving over 250,000 meals across 650 events annually, our renowned culinary team is ready to Bring The Heat, and turn it up as we welcome football fans from across the country for the 106th Grey Cup and Grey Cup Festival! Edmontonians are hearty sports fanatics. Our city is known to come together and celebrate the nation’s best sporting events. The 106th Grey Cup and Grey Cup Festival kicks off on November 21 with a week-long party leading up to the big game on November 25.

It’s all happening in the heart of Edmonton at your downtown convention centre!

Feeding the Football Fans:

Fact 1: During the Grey Cup Festival events from November 21 – 25, the Shaw Conference Centre will serve a total of 14,000 table meals! We’ll also serve over 5,000 concession meals each day! Bon appetit!

Fact 2: Between Wednesday and Sunday of the Grey Cup Festival, we will serve 28,000 pieces of bacon, 14,000 or 820 lbs of eggs and 1,000 kg of breakfast potatoes!

Fact 3: The Grey Cup Gala Dinner on Friday will serve 700 kg of beef short rib with 200 lbs of red wine sauce!

Fact 4: Coffee lovers! During the Grey Cup Festival events in our building, our team will pour 8,510 cups of coffee for our guests!

Fact 5: We’re cheesin’ for days! We’ve locally sourced 100 kgs of cheese curds to feed Grey Cup Festival goers!

Fact 6: Between Wednesday to Sunday, our team will make 525 kgs of buns using 14 bags of flour!


Fact 7: If you’re feeling thirsty, our bars have stocked 35,000 cans of pop with another 9,500 cans at our concessions and 2,500 bottles of water. We also encourage guests to fill up at our refillable water fountains!

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